WoNoMute Oslo @ Popsenteret, Februar

WoNoMute Oslo will in collaboration with Popsenteret have three workshops in February:

6. Februar kl. 17 - 19: “Gibber + live coding” med Tejaswinee Kelkar

Tejaswinee Kelkar will hold a workshop about live-coding, basing her workshop on Gibber - a free digital platform for audio visual musical performance and composition.

12. februar kl. 17 - 19: “Filosofisk musikkproduksjon” med Pieces of Juno

The artist Pieces of Juno, Juno Jensen will hold a presentation about ideas, concept and accomplishment of musical projects.

20. Februar kl. 17 - 19: “Lag en musikkapp” med Mari Lesteberg

Make a simple music app by using the free software Pure Data and MobMuPlat. No previous knowledges is necessary.

WoNoMute Oslo @ Zeb, Universitetet i Oslo

The rest of the workshops will be held at the University of Oslo.


Because of the Corona Virus (Covid-19), there will be some changes in our workshop plan this spring. From the 12th of March, we are not allowed to facilitate arrangmements on the University of Oslo campus. The remaining workshops will be arranged digitally, and the two workshops with Jessica Sligter were postponed to 22 and 23 April (also digitally).

6. April kl. 17 - 19 “Max for live: Randomiserte trommebeats” med Henrik the Artist

In this workshop we will look practially on how to make and instrument that gives you randomized drum bears in the software MAX/MSP. No Pre-knowledges needed.

22. april kl. 17 - 19: “Introduksjon til en DAW: Digital Audio Workstation” med Jessica Sligter

Learn about basic audio recording and editiong in the software DAW Reaper.

23. april kl. 17 - 19 “Introduksjon til grunnleggende lydeffekter” med Jessica Sligter

In her second workshop, Sligter will look at basic audio mixing, how it works, and how to use the effects in DAW Reaper.

7. Mai kl. 17 - 19 “Live-streaming your own concert” with Dana Swarbrick

Dana Swarbrick will lead a web workshop on how to record and stream audio performances with free and open-source software. A highly applicable workshop in these corona restricted days. The seminar is free and open for those who identifies as women and non-binary.

All workshops are free and open for girls, women and non-binary people from 18 years and older. You can sign up to one or more of the courses. Sign up by sending an email to: anebje@student.imv.uio.no (limited open spaces).

27. Mai kl. 17 - 19 “Sampling i Audacity” med Ane Bjerkan

In the last workshop of the spring, we will use the open source platform Audacity to make samples. We will work with samples and learn how to use some of the different effects in the program.

All workshops are free and open for girls, women and non-binary people from 18 years and older. You can sign up to one or more of the courses. Sign up by sending an email to: anebje@student.imv.uio.no (limited open spaces).