Photo of Mari Lesteberg.


Mari Lesteberg is a vocalist, keyboard player and composer located in Oslo. Mari finished her Master’s degree in Music, Communication and Technology at UiO/NTNU in December 2021. In her Thesis, Mari developed several web applications in JavaScript/HTML for using motion in the air to play around with sound and music. Mari is a member of two progressive rock bands as a vocalist, keyboard player and composer: Fraction Distraction and Suburban Savages. In 2017, Mari gained success with her youtube channel, when she made some music videos that went viral with more than 500 000 views. The videos, which she labeled as MIDI art drawings, combined music, story-telling and art in a novel way that hadn’t really been done before. Today her channel has more than 2 200 000 views in total.

Mari was a part the WoNoMute committee as a research assistant when she was a Master student. Now she and Ane Bjerkan has started WoNoMute Young, to inspire young women to discover the fun and possibilities of music technology.